Sunday, November 6, 2011

Definition of Success

What is your definition of success?

That was the question asked by the Success mentor in a talk I went for earlier today.. Many hands raise to answer the apparently obvious, " be rich!" said a man, "..achieve all your dreams!" said a lady, " get straight A's!" said a student..

Then the mentor asked,"And how do you achieve success?"

"By working your ass off!", said a man with a laugh. Another raised his hand,"By being committed, determined consistent and hardworking in what you do."

The mentor smiled and went on asking, "But how can success help you succeed even when you have nothing on you? No money, no skills, no assets."

The room went quiet. Then a man stood up and said,"By accepting criticism, by being more resilient to failure and setbacks, by learning from your mistakes."

The mentor smiled and explained that success can be define in many ways, but how you define it is important in sculpting how you wish to see your success (dream) as in the future.

In order to succeed in life as a whole, you need to put aside your ego, and be prepare to bring yourself to the lowest point of your life. "Failure is a tonic for your success.." no matter how many times you fail, you must still have the courage to persevere and carry yourself up to success.

But what is success? What is your definition of success? That is a question you should ask yourself..

Posted from piChatt's iPhone